When fitness centers and gyms open up to an antsy public — and how workouts will have to change in the post-coronavirus world — was the topic of discussion for a roundtable discussion hosted Wednesday afternoon by Gov. Gavin Newsom.

State Public Health Officer Dr. Sonia Angell, state coronavirus economic task force chair Tom Steyer and six California-based fitness industry representatives joined Newsom to discuss the state’s efforts to establish re-opening guidelines and how those in the industry are altering their practices and protocols to keep customers and members safe.

The framework and guidelines for the fitness industry’s return will be announced in a week or so, Newsom said.

“We have a draft right now that’s working through the California Department of Public Health and various sectors to make sure we get it right,” Newsom’s chief of staff, Ann O’Leary, said on the call. “We expect it to get out very soon.”

For fitness centers to reopen, their home counties must submit a 12-page application, called a “local variance attestation,” which details criteria to assess a county’s COVID-19 stability and safety readiness.

“We’re getting closer,” Newsom said. “We are starting to organize in this draft form. Based on this call we will calibrate even more.”

The fitness representatives on the panel came from varied corners of the industry, including yoga, mixed martial arts, “micro-gyms” and boot camps. All provided insights on steps they’re taking to keep their customers safe and socially distanced — as well as sharing how the shutdown has economically and mentally impacted their lives and those of their employees.

“We’re at a point where I may have to lay everyone off and close my doors if we can’t re-open soon,” Adam Attia, owner of Sacramento’s Fitness Rangers boot camp, said to Newsom. “We really need your support.”

Attia said his business employs 46, and he has been able to keep everyone hired and paid through the Paycheck Protection Program. But, he added, this lifeline can only last through June 5.

A typically strict Sacramento County loosened its permit restrictions to allow Fitness Rangers to host outdoor classes in parks with 10 or fewer people with 10-plus feet of space between each attendee.

At one point, the county granted Attia permission to re-open a handful of studios in Sacramento, he said, but quickly rescinded the permit, asking the company to shut down immediately. Outdoor classes are all he can work with, he added, but it’s something — and could be his lifeline moving forward.

“I truly feel we can operate a successful business not just for the near future, but for as long as we have to,” Attia said. “We’re desperate. We’re doing whatever we can to keep our members engaged.”

Another popular workout, mixed martial arts, also requires a large amount of physical contact. Zorel el Fuentes, who helps operate a MMA studio in Los Angeles, said the nature of Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai forced them to adopt hyper-hygienic studio upkeep in a pre-COVID world that will translate to a post-COVID one.

“These are things that have already forced us to create higher hygiene expectations,” el Fuentes said.

Dario Tejo, owner of Origin gym in Belmont, said half of their members have dropped their memberships.

“The PPP (economic assistance) was great to receive, and with rent in the Bay Area being what it is, it helps,” Tejo said.

To stay open, Tejo said he and his team have been brainstorming methods to keep training gym-goers while keeping them safe inside the small studio, thinking about distancing, workout wear, and separating the common items many people use inside the gym.

“The name of the game isn’t six-pack abs anymore,” Tejo said. “First and foremost we are a health community.”

The panel of fitness-industry figures said experts conveyed that sweeping, drastic changes to close-contact, sweat-filled operations were not only manageable, but necessary to save their livelihoods.

“I guarantee people will be safe and feel safe and we will make sure they feel safe,” Attia said. “This is health and wellness we are selling. We want people to be healthy and well. We’re beating diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity. People not being able to do that is causing even more issues.”